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How much does Avgo pay a dividend?

The annual dividend for AVGO shares is $2.12. How often does Broadcom pay dividends? Broadcom pays quarterly dividends to shareholders. When was Broadcom's most recent dividend payment? Broadcom's most recent quarterly dividend payment of $0.53 per share was made to shareholders on Monday, September 30, 2024.

What is the dividend history for Broadcom Inc (Avgo)?

The table below shows the full dividend history for Broadcom Inc The previous Broadcom Inc (AVGO) dividend was 53c and was paid 1 month ago. The next dividend is forecast to go ex-div in 1 month and is expected to be paid in 2 months. Check the payment calculator for the amount.

When will the dividend be paid in 2023?

Shares must be purchased before the ex-div date of March 21, 2023 to qualify for the dividend. Shareholders of record as of March 22, 2023 will receive the payment on March 31, 2023. At the current share price of $632.76 / share, the stock's dividend yield is 2.91%.

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